Sunday, May 13, 2018

Day 2: Happy Mother's Day!

Sundays truly are the Lord’s day, especially in Africa. Last time I visited Ghana in the Fall, the highlight of my trip was visiting a church named Lighthouse Church. This service was unlike anything I had ever experienced before and especially different from the traditional, Catholic mass that I am used to.  I was excited to go again today, even if that meant breakfast ended an hour earlier.  Church is a part of CORM’s village so it’s just a couple buildings down from me. All of CORM is within walking distance from each other: the homes, the cafeteria, the school, the church, etc. So everyone that was at church was all the people who live in CORM and some outside community members, everyone knew everyone.

Today’s service started at 9 but time doesn’t mean much in Africa. They have a saying “TIA” which means “This is Africa.” You get there when you get there. That being said, the first hour or so of church consisted of everyone casually strolling in and dancing. And I don’t mean the standing in place swaying your hips dancing, I mean like DANCING. No one was “too cool” to dance.   It was so energetic and lively in that church.  It didn’t even matter what you were doing, no one looks silly when they’re having fun.

Although I missed my own mom today (shout out Kerry), it was so special to be able to experience Mother's Day in a place that emphasizes the empowerment of women so much.  All of the songs were in some way about mothers or women. Pastor Johnbull asked all the ladies to sit on one side. Before he started his homily everyone got up and gave us all hugs and said Happy Mother’s Day until everyone was hugged by every person.  Pastor John called up each of the mothers separately, described how special and unique each one of them is, and gave them a personal gift. I thought this was such a personal way to honor each mom.  Mothers truly do so much for their children. I have so much respect for them everywhere but especially here. They were put in difficult situations in life but fought through it and are creating futures for themselves and their kids.  CORM plays a major role in making the dreams and goals of these families become realities. It was very sweet to witness 50+ kids run up and group hug/tackle Stacy at the end of mass. Many of them do not know who their moms are or never saw them again after going to work at the lake at a young age.  Stacy is a mom to everyone. She takes everyone in with warm and welcoming arms no matter what.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the shout out, Ray. Sounds like a beautiful service honoring the moms. I am so proud to be your mom!
